Transform Your Goals & Dreams Into Reality With Coaching, Training & Support

Define Success for Yourself & Get the Guts to Go After It

 Stop Trying to Get to Your Next Level of Success on Your own. Access the tools, resources & community and make real progress on your biggest goals.


Let me ask you:

Are you feeling there must be more to life than what you are living right now?

Do you feel like something is missing, and you’ve been searching but you simply can’t find it? 

Or maybe you feel like you just need a total re-do, but you’re not even sure where to begin.

Now you want for something different…a new way of going after your authentic goals.


The Importance of Investing in Your Personal Growth

Let’s be candid here: How many times have you hesitated to invest in your own growth? Perhaps you rationalized it as a luxury, something you could do “later” when the time is right. But here’s the million-dollar question: If not now, when?

The Transformative Power of Personal Development

You see, personal development is not a nicety; it’s a necessity. It’s the linchpin that holds together the various facets of your life—career, relationships, health, and spirituality. When you invest in your personal growth, you’re laying a foundation that’s stronger than any external achievement. You’re building resilience, emotional intelligence, and a set of skills that can weather any storm.

The Return on Investment is Immeasurable

In business, ROI is straightforward: you invest money to make money. But what’s the ROI on a life well-lived? It’s incomparable. The value of personal development transcends numbers. It’s seen in increased confidence, greater resilience, better relationships, and a more fulfilling life. The returns are manifold, touching every corner of your existence.

The Domino Effect of Personal Growth

Investing in personal development has a domino effect that extends beyond you. It enriches your interactions with others, enhances your job performance, and even impacts your familial ties. As you evolve, so does your ability to contribute meaningfully to your community and the world at large. In short, the more you grow, the more you can give.

Safeguarding Your Future Self

If we’re considering the long game—and we should be—then personal development is akin to a safety net for your future self. The skills and mindsets you cultivate today will serve as your arsenal for future challenges. It’s akin to storing nuts for the winter; you’re stockpiling invaluable resources that will sustain you when times get tough.

Self-Defined Success Awaits You

Think about it: Do you want to reach the end of your life, looking back with regret at what could have been? Personal development is the bridge between your dreams and reality. It transforms your ‘what-ifs’ into a concrete action plan, complete with steps, milestones, and contingencies. And with a program like The LifeChanger Academy, you’re not just wishfully thinking; you’re actively doing.

But, It Requires Guts

Here’s where the rubber meets the road: Investing in personal growth requires a leap of faith. It necessitates a level of vulnerability where you admit you don’t have all the answers—and that’s okay. It takes guts to commit to change, and it takes boldness to stick with it. But rest assured, the rewards are well worth the risk.

What’s Your Choice?

So, we circle back to the original question: Are you willing to invest in your transformation? Are you ready to leverage the resources, community, and expert guidance that The LifeChanger Academy offers to propel you toward a life you can be proud of?

Investing in yourself is not an expense; it’s the most profitable investment you’ll ever make. And it starts with a conscious choice, right here, right now.

As a Member, You’ll Access The LifeChanger Framework:

4 Elements For Success

In order to set authentic goals, create a practical action plan and make real progress, you need all 4 components.

Inside the Academy, you’ll gain access to monthly, quarterly and annual programs, trainings and coaching that give you the exact steps you need to move to the next level in every area of your life – personal growth, self-care, career, relationships, finances and your lifestyle.

It’s Your Time!

If you are serious, focused and committed to getting clear about where you are, setting authentic stretch goals, understanding what’s holding you back and facing head on what’s not working so you can build up a powerful strategy, have a real mindset shift and take serious action steps to reach your next level of success having the ultimate in support and accountability – you’ve landed in the right place.

If you know you’re capable of being more, having more, doing more, giving more – and you have a thirst to learn what it takes and a willingness to grow…the Academy is your answer to growing to a higher level of success.

Why the LifeChanger Academy?


A seminal or “AHA” moment that leads to realization that you want something different out of life


A boost of positive energy that empowers you to take action to focus on your goals to get more out of life.


Access and immerse yourself in research, courses, or resources that close your knowledge gap


Take a deeper journey to understand who you are and why you are – so you can move past challenges and fears.


Practical “how-to” resources that show you how to make progress with your personal and professional goals.


Nobody achieves success on their own. Connect with other goal getters ready to create more in every area of life.

Access Coaching, Training, Community & Support

Get focused on your goals and make progress to a new level of success in every area of your life.

Check Out Your Member Benefits:

Monthly LIVE Masterclass

Insightful & Enlightening Sessions


Live coaching and training sessions that take a deep dive into success strategies that show you how to make progress towards your biggest goals.There’s also plenty of time for Q & A

90 Day RADICAL Success Planner



Quarterly One Day Intensives



LifeChanger Conference







I already tried so many things that didn’t help me…why do I need the LifeChanger Academy?

This annual membership has the potential to change your whole life bringing you closer to your biggest goals and dreams – having the life and the lifestyle you want and deserve.  


Navigate this journey with other like-minded, success seekers in a supportive, encouraging community.


Leverage the expertise and resources of others so you are fully equipped for your success journey.


Garner encouragement and motivation from your Success Coach and your peers as you confront roadblocks, self-limiting beliefs, or other barriers to success.


Share and celebrate your wins as the group cheers you on.


Benefit from a tested, proven approach to developing the right mindset and habits to pursue your goals.


Avoid unnecessary pitfalls and roadblocks by employing lessons learned and shared resources from within the group.


Build a network of collaborators who will help you level up and reach your BIG goals.

Yes! I’m Ready to Step Into a New Level of Success


JUST $297

2023 – 2024 Member Schedule

Meet Founder & Master life coach

Doreen Rainey

Coach, speaker and entrepreneur, Doreen founded RADICAL Success Institute in 2008 where she focused on helping her clients define success for themselves AND get the guts to go after it.
In 2020, Doreen founded the Society of Life Coaches where the mission is to help coaches grow their business as well as coach goal getters to achieve more in life.
She’s had the honor of coaching thousands of people to create RADICAL Success in their life and business. She’s a powerful speaker who has graced stages across the country teaching and speaking on the power of the right mindset, how to set and acheive big goals and how to create action plan that get results.
As the former Senior VP, Steve Harvey Global, she worked directly with him to build his powerful Act Like A Success platform, hosting live conferences with him, leading his Success Institute and sharing insights on success on his radio and TV show, reaching millions.
Doreen has witnessed people take the coaching concepts shared through her programs and trainings and completely transform their career, business, finances and relationships.
She’s a deal maker, a change maker and committed to helping life coaches gain clarity, create a strategy and move into action so they become bold and courageous to build profits and create wealth.
Doreen has been featured in Essence Magazine, USA Today Weekend, The Steve Harvey Show,  ABC News and more.



© 2023 | Lifechanger academy

Presented by:

Society of life coaches

3651 Peachtree parkway

Suite E – 195

Suwanee, GA 30024


